Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Open the Eyes of Your Heart and Find the Gift of God’s Love

Covenant of Hope Ministries Wednesday Sermon_12_11_2013
Good afternoon, and welcome to this Sunday Sermon for Covenant of Hope Ministries. I am Rev. Laura A. Neff. The ministry knows me as the Rainbow Minister. Find us posted on Sundays and studies on Wednesday. Our locations are online only:
Rev. Laura’s Other Sites: Facebook & Twitter & Google+ & Blogspot
Our Main Video Feed: Covenant_of_Hope
We have email (instant messenger if you need me) through Facebook every day. These are now extremely variable. We’re still working this out between the two of us as to what will happen, our Elder, Cal Jennings and I. I will inform you further regarding changes. These changes were made due to health reasons. The sermon length has shortened dramatically. We are unsure as to when there might be video presentations.

Prayer List: There are some changes. Please let me know if you have others for the prayer list. I’d appreciate it, and all prayers are welcome.
- Continue your prayers for Phoebe Fair as she is in hospice. She has her good days and her bad days. Her tumor has come back, and they don’t know what will happen right now. She is at home with the hospice care, but it is very hard on the family.
- Please keep Elder Cal Jennings in your prayers as he is very sick and spent a day in the hospital this past week.
- Please pray for my friend Teresa’s sister who is in stage four cancer.
- Please keep others known by any of us up in prayer for whatever they might need.
- Please keep my friend Heather in prayer for patience and safe haven.
- Let us keep another friend, Jeff, and his family in prayer after a disappointment that has them searching for answers.
- Please keep my whole family in prayer for the pain, suffering, and chaos we are going through.
- Pray that the adversity and the pain we have seen around the world would be relieved, and swept away. May we find common ground in many ways, even if we start with just one step.
- Remember those who have been lost either violently or peacefully this week.
- Keep the ministry in your thoughts, each member, no matter their location, their circumstances, because a group of friends, a ministry, should support one another.
- There are many in our ministry who are searching for more in regard to our presence with my health, and with the health of others. We pray that there would be health found once more, and that we have answers to all and for all.

Prayer: Father in Heaven we have many to pray for. We pray for those who have been ill, suffer pain, and have been brought into sorrow. We hope in Your love that they shall be well in the comfort and solace You bring. There are many in our prayers Lord, and we ask only that you hear their prayers as you hear ours. We pray for all who would be ending the semesters for schools, that they might absorb their education and enjoy their time of reflection and celebration with family and friends. We pray for the families who support each of those students, no matter their age. We pray all of this in Your Holy Name, through our Savior Jesus Christ, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, Amen and so it shall be.

Short Sermon: This morning I saw an interesting verse. Due to the time of year, it makes an interesting challenge for us. The verse is Acts 16:14 KJV – And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.
Opening our heart to God and Jesus is not always easy. You can close it sometimes faster than it opens. Life is filled with opened and closed doors, some for reasons of the heart, to save our hearts from pain and sorrow. Yet, even with doors closed, the knowledge and wisdom from those experiences can open our hearts once more. It is simple to say we accept God and Jesus. It’s not so simple to mean it. Wisdom some say comes with age. Wisdom comes with knowledge and experience received while we age. Take, for example, the view Isaiah shares here in Isaiah 50:5 KJV – The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.
Note, God shares first the fact that the knowledge is there, the experience to be had, and the wisdom to be gained. All of this in one little sentence. Yet, in truth, that sentence alone speaks volumes. It shares the path toward that very same truth. With knowledge you must understand that which has been learned. This is what is shared here in the Gospel of Luke 24:45 KJV – Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
God can only bring us this knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, if we open our heart to it. Open the eyes of our hearts, that’s a line from a favorite song. It’s no simple thing, but if you think about it this way, the gift of the Spirit resides in your heart, every heart, if you acknowledge the fact that you can open your heart, to God, to Jesus, through the Spirit that has been given to us. This verse in Ephesians shares quite a view of just that. Ephesians 1:17 KJV – That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;
Wisdom AND revelation in our knowledge of Him. There’s a lot of learning, a lot of understanding to come with that. All we need to do is look into our hearts and allow ourselves to see it, hear it, know it, experience it, and gain understanding from it. With that, we bring wisdom to our lives and love everlasting can be. Think about it.

Music for today: Open the Eyes of My Heart 

Rev. Laura A. Neff ~The Rainbow Minister
Calvin Jennings ~ Elder
Our mission for Covenant of Hope Ministries and Poetic-Expressions is not to exploit fear, but to conquer it, and overcome all that is created through fear together as the rainbow in the darkness.

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